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In 2025, Tata increased its popular SUV Tata Harrier prices. Based on variants, increased from 990 to 35,990 rupees. The company has not made any changes in the prices of some variants.
The price of Tata Harrier has been increased by Rs 35,990.
- Tata Harrier prices rose from 990 to 35,990 rupees.
- The prices of some variants remained stable.
- New prices vary depending on variants.
New Delhi. One month of 2025 has passed. At the end of the year, most car companies announced to increase the price of their products. And now all the companies have also increased the prices of their cars. Tata has also increased the prices of Tata Harrier SUV. The company has increased the price of most variants of this car. The price of some variants is the same as before. On the basis of variants, the company has made the Harrier expensive from Rs 990 to Rs 35,990.
Here in the list below, you can see how much change in the price of which variant has changed and now how much is the new price.
Compassion: Old and New Price
2.0 liter diesel manual
Variant | old price | Difference | new price | % shift |
Smart | Rs. 14,99,000 | Rs. 990 | Rs. 14,99,990 | 0.07% |
Smart O | Rs. 15,49,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 15,84,990 | 2.32% |
Pure | Rs. 16,49,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 16,84,990 | 2.18% |
Pure o | Rs. 16,99,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 17,34,990 | 2.12% |
Pure plus | Rs. 18,19,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 18,54,990 | 1.98% |
Pure plus s | Rs. 18,49,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 18,84,990 | 1.95% |
Pure plus s dark | Rs. 18,79,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 19,14,990 | 1.92% |
Adventure | Rs. 19,19,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 19,54,990 | 1.88% |
Adventure plus | Rs. 20,69,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 21,04,990 | 1.74% |
Adventure plus dark | Rs. 21,19,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 21,54,990 | 1.70% |
Adventure plus a | Rs. 21,69,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 22,04,990 | 1.66% |
Fearless | Rs. 22,49,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 22,84,990 | 1.60% |
Fearless Dark | Rs. 22,99,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 23,34,990 | 1.57% |
Fearless plus | Rs. 23,99,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 24,34,990 | 1.50% |
Fearless plus dark | Rs. 24,49,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 24,84,990 | 1.47% |
2.0 liter diesel automatic
Variant | old price | Difference | new price | % shift |
Pure plus | Rs. 18,99,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 19,34,990 | 1.90% |
Pure plus s | Rs. 19,49,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 19,84,990 | 1.85% |
Pure plus s dark | Rs. 19,79,000 | Rs. 20,990 | Rs. 19,99,990 | 1.06% |
Adventure plus | Rs. 22,09,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 22,44,990 | 1.63% |
Adventure plus dark | Rs. 22,59,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 22,94,990 | 1.59% |
Adventure plus a | Rs. 23,09,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 23,44,990 | 1.56% |
Fearless | Rs. 23,89,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 24,24,990 | 1.51% |
Fearless Dark | Rs. 24,39,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 24,74,990 | 1.48% |
Fearless plus | Rs. 25,39,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 25,74,990 | 1.42% |
Fearless plus dark | Rs. 25,89,000 | Rs. 35,990 | Rs. 26,24,990 | 1.39% |
New Delhi,Delhi
February 02, 2025, 12:10 IST
Tata has increased its 'Lohalat' SUV price, new price of all variants