New Delhi. Skoda Auto India has created a stir in the Indian market with its first sub-4 meter SUV Kylaq. Within just 10 days of the start of bookings, Kylaq has touched the booking figure of 10,000 units. This achievement reflects Skoda Auto's strong hold in the Indian SUV market and the growing confidence of consumers towards this new car.
To build on this success, Skoda Auto India has announced the launch of a 'Dream Tour' with Kylaq, which will attempt to connect with customers across major cities in the country. Under this campaign, three Kylaq SUVs will roll out from the Chakan plant in Pune on December 13, 2024 and will travel across the country for the next 43 days. The tour will cover more than 70 cities and return to the Chakan plant on January 25, 2025.
Booking of 10,000 units in 10 days
Petter Janneba, Brand Director, Skoda Auto India, said, “10,000 bookings in 10 days, that too without even launching the car in the showroom! Kylaq is a completely new car for us, which is our first offering in the sub-4 meter SUV segment. These bookings are proof that people have unwavering faith in the Skoda brand. The Kylaq will bring European technology accessible to Indian roads and our 'Dream Tour' will give customers a first-hand experience of the car's modern design and unique features.”
skoda kaylak engine
Skoda Kylaq has been introduced with a 1.0 TSI engine, which is available in manual and automatic transmission options. It will be launched in four variants and seven color options. More than 25 safety features including six airbags have been provided in all variants. Kylaq has been developed after testing over 800,000 kilometers, which proves its strength and reliability.
Skoda Auto India has also introduced a special offer for the first 33,333 customers. These customers will get a free three-year standard maintenance package, which will limit the maintenance cost of Kylaq to just ₹0.24 per kilometer (for 5 years). The Classic variant of the Kylaq has already been booked, but customers can register their interest for this variant as and when the booking slots open up. Skoda Kylaq will be officially available in showrooms from January 27, 2025.
Tags: auto news
FIRST PUBLISHED: December 12, 2024, 19:01 IST