Latest car and bike news live update today 16 February 2025: Audi RS Q8 facelift made India debut on 17 February.

Latest car and bike news live update today 16 February 2025: Audi RS Q8 facelift made India debut on 17 February.

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If the automobiles catch your fans and you are fascinated on the wheels on all things, then you have come to the right place. You have come in ht auto. Welcome to the latest developments from Indian and global motor vehicle world on 16 February 2025

Latest News on 16 February 2025: Audi RS Q8 performance is compulsory is a soup-up version of the standard SUV that is already on sale in Indian markets.

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Car News News Live Update: Audi RS Q8 facelift made India debut on 17 February.

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First published date: 16 February 2025, 08:12 am IST

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Latest car and bike news live update today 16 February 2025: Audi RS Q8 facelift made India debut on 17 February.

ऑडी आरएस Q8 फेसलिफ्ट भारत की शुरुआत कल करने के लिए

  • ऑडी आरएस Q8 फेसलिफ्ट लेम्बोर्गिनी उर्स से और पोर्श केयेन जीटीएस जैसे प्रतिद्वंद्वियों के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धा करेगा।
ऑडी आरएस Q8 प्रदर्शन अनिवार्य रूप से मानक एसयूवी का एक सूप-अप संस्करण है जो पहले से ही भारतीय बाजारों में बिक्री पर है।

ऑडी आरएस Q8 प्रदर्शन एसयूवी का फेसलिफ्टेड पुनरावृत्ति 17 फरवरी को भारत में लॉन्च करने के लिए तैयार है। यह फेसलिफ्ट प्रदर्शन एसयूवी के लिए एक मध्य-जीवन अपडेट के रूप में आता है। यह केबिन के बाहर और अंदर दोनों पर कॉस्मेटिक परिवर्तनों के ढेर के साथ आता है। ऑडी rs Q8 फेसलिफ्ट को पूरी तरह से लोड किए गए वेरिएंट में V8 इंजन के साथ 850 एनएम के अधिकतम टॉर्क का वादा करेंगे।

यह भी पढ़ें: भारत में आगामी कारें

जबकि ऑडी कल rs Q8 फेसलिफ्ट के मूल्य निर्धारण की घोषणा करेगा, उम्मीद है कि एसयूवी की कीमत होगी 2.3 करोड़ (पूर्व-शोरूम)। लॉन्च होने पर, ऑडी आरएस Q8 फेसलिफ्ट कारों को ले जाएगा जैसे लेम्बोर्गिनी उरुस एसई और यह पोर्श लाल मिर्च जीटीएस के साथ -साथ कारों से भी Maserati

ऑडी आरएस Q8 फेसलिफ्ट: डिज़ाइन अपडेट

बाहरी में, ऑडी आरएस Q8 फेसलिफ्ट में बदलाव के एक मेजबान को शामिल किया गया है। डिजाइन परिवर्तनों में पहियों के लिए नई स्टाइल, अद्यतन फ्रंट प्रावरणी और प्रकाश पैकेज शामिल हैं। यह एक पूर्ण एलईडी प्रकाश पैकेज मिलता है। केबिन के अंदर, ऑडी आरएस Q8 फेसलिफ्ट को नई स्पोर्ट्स सीटें और एक दोहरे स्क्रीन पैकेज मिलते हैं। कुछ अन्य प्रमुख परिवर्तनों में क्वाड-ज़ोन जलवायु नियंत्रण, पावर-एडजस्टेबल फ्रंट सीटें, संचालित टेलगेट आदि शामिल हैं। एसयूवी को फीचर फ्रंट पर ड्राइवर असिस्टेंस सिस्टम भी मिलते हैं।

ऑडी आरएस Q8 फेसलिफ्ट को एक आकर्षक बैज मिलता है जो इसे सबसे तेज एसयूवी के रूप में दिखाता है जो कि नर्बुर्गरिंग को गोद देता है। प्रदर्शन एसयूवी ने रेसिंग ड्राइवर फ्रैंक स्टिपलर के हाथों में 7.36 मिनट में नॉर्ड्सचलेफ को लपेट दिया।

ऑडी आरएस Q8 फेसलिफ्ट: क्या शक्तियां

ऑडी RS Q8 फेसलिफ्ट को 4.0-लीटर ट्विन-टर्बोचार्ज्ड V8 इंजन से पावर मिलता है। यह इंजन 640 बीएचपी पीक पावर और 850 एनएम अधिकतम टॉर्क का उत्पादन करने में सक्षम है। इसका मतलब यह है कि ऑडी आरएस Q8 फेसलिफ्ट 40 बीएचपी के अतिरिक्त बिजली उत्पादन और आउटगोइंग मॉडल पर 50 एनएम अतिरिक्त टोक़ को मंथन करता है। अद्यतन ऑडी RS Q8 प्रदर्शन एसयूवी 3.6 सेकंड में 0-100 किमी प्रति घंटे की दूरी तय करने में सक्षम है।

चेक आउट भारत में आगामी कारें 2024, भारत में सर्वश्रेष्ठ एसयूवी

पहली प्रकाशित तिथि: 16 फरवरी 2025, 12:30 बजे IST

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फॉर्मूला ई जेद्दा ई-प्रिक्स परिणाम, चैम्पियनशिप स्टैंडिंग, पिट बूस्ट डेब्यू

फॉर्मूला ई जेद्दा ई-प्रिक्स परिणाम, चैम्पियनशिप स्टैंडिंग, पिट बूस्ट डेब्यू

डीएस पेंस्के के मैक्स गुएंथर और निसान के ओलिवर रोलैंड जेद्दा ई-प्रिक्स के बड़े विजेता के रूप में उभरे। फॉर्मूला ई ने राउंड 3 और 4 के लिए एक नए स्थान के लिए, जेद्दा कॉर्निश सर्किट के एक छोटे 3 किमी लेआउट में रेसिंग की, जो एफ 1 की मेजबानी भी करता है। राउंड 3 ने फॉर्मूला ई के नए की शुरुआत भी देखी गड्ढे ने तेजी से चार्जिंग स्टॉप को बढ़ावा दियाजिसके परिणामस्वरूप सप्ताहांत में दो बहुत अलग दौड़ हुई।

भारतीय टीम महिंद्रा रेसिंग ने जेद्दा को एक मजबूत बिंदु दौड़ के साथ छोड़ दिया, जो शीर्ष 10 में दोनों दौड़ को पूरा करता है।

  1. रॉलैंड और बरनार्ड से आगे गुएंर ने राउंड 3 जीता,
  2. रॉलैंड ने राउंड 4 जीता, बरनार्ड और ह्यूजेस से आगे
  3. महिंद्रा स्टैंडिंग में छठा

जेद्दा में पिट बूस्ट डेब्यू

कई देरी के बाद, फॉर्मूला ई के नए गड्ढे बूस्ट ने आखिरकार पहले जेद्दा ई-प्रिक्स में अपनी दौड़ की शुरुआत की। सभी ड्राइवरों को 600kW फास्ट चार्जर के माध्यम से 10 प्रतिशत बैटरी रिचार्ज के लिए गड्ढे की आवश्यकता थी, पूरे गड्ढे के साथ 30 सेकंड से अधिक समय तक रुकना बंद कर दिया गया।

मौजूदा हमले मोड के साथ संयुक्त (जो ड्राइवरों को एक संक्षिप्त शक्ति को बढ़ावा देता है और ऑल-व्हील ड्राइव को अनलॉक करता है), इसने अभी तक एक और रणनीतिक तत्व जोड़ा। जैसा कि अपेक्षित था, पिट बूस्ट ने मैदान को हिला दिया, जिसमें शुरुआती नेता गुएंथर आदेश के नीचे गिर गए, जबकि महिंद्रा के दो ड्राइवरों-Nyck de Vries और Edoardo Mortara-ने अपने निकटतम प्रतिद्वंद्वियों को छलांग लगा दी।

“मुझे लगता है कि यह रोमांचक है; यह दौड़ को Gen2 की तरह थोड़ा और अधिक बनाता है। इसलिए, कम पेलोटन-स्टाइल रेसिंग, दौड़ बहुत तेज है, लोगों को केवल धीमा करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित नहीं किया जाता है और सुनिश्चित किया जाता है कि वे अंत में फ्लैट होने के लिए पर्याप्त ऊर्जा बैंक करते हैं, ”डी वीरिस ने कहा।

“मुझे लगता है कि यह सकारात्मक था। समय के संदर्भ में और जिस तरह से आप पिटलेन से बाहर निकलते हैं, उसमें बहुत कुछ सीखना है। हमारी तरफ, ग्रिड पर सबसे तेज (पिट स्टॉप) था, लेकिन मैं [was released] पी 2 में और मूल रूप से अकेले आठ लैप्स खर्च करते हैं, जो मेरी ऊर्जा को थोड़ा नुकसान पहुंचाते हैं। ”

Guenther Jeddah E-Prix, राउंड 3 जीतता है

पोल की स्थिति से शुरू होकर, गुएंर गड्ढे को बढ़ावा देने और हमले के मोड के पहले दौर के बाद वापस आ गए। रॉलैंड ने बढ़त ले ली, हालांकि, उनके पास गुएंथर की तुलना में कम प्रयोग करने योग्य ऊर्जा थी।

इसने एक अंतिम-लैप द्वंद्व के लिए मंच सेट किया, जिसमें गुएंर ने रोलैंड को रीलैंड किया। डीएस पेन्सके चालक ने अंतिम चिकन में एक कदम उठाया, क्योंकि रॉलैंड ने जो भी कम ऊर्जा छोड़ी थी, उसे पकड़ने के लिए संघर्ष किया। मैकलेरन के टेलर बार्नार्ड ने पोडियम को पूरा करने के लिए तीसरे स्थान पर लाइन पार की।

“यह एक आसान दौड़ नहीं थी, लेकिन हम जीत हासिल करने के लिए वापस लड़े। और हमने इसे शैली में किया – पोल की स्थिति, जीत और सबसे तेज़ गोद के साथ। यह मुझे वास्तव में गर्व करता है, ”गेन्टेर ने आनन्दित किया।

रॉलैंड ने जेद्दा ई-प्रिक्स, राउंड 4 जीता

2025 फॉर्मूला ई जेद्दा ई-प्रिक्स विजेता ओलिवर रॉलैंड

दूसरी दौड़ के लिए, 20 वर्षीय बार्नार्ड ने फॉर्मूला ई के सबसे कम उम्र के पोलेसिटर के रूप में इतिहास बनाया। उन्होंने थोड़ी सी लीड पर कब्जा कर लिया, लेकिन अंततः यह दौड़ रॉलैंड से एक मास्टरक्लास थी।

निसान ड्राइवर ने अपने हमले मोड की तैनाती की सावधानीपूर्वक गणना की और अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वियों की तुलना में अधिक ऊर्जा का संरक्षण करते हुए, सभी के पीछे के लोगों को अंतराल का प्रबंधन किया। उन्होंने 5.844 सेकंड के भारी अंतर के साथ जीत हासिल करने के लिए लाइन पार की।

अपने प्रमुख चैंपियनशिप प्रतिद्वंद्वियों के साथ गुएंर और एंटोनियो फेलिक्स दा कोस्टा को दौड़ से बाहर कर दिया, रॉलैंड ने स्टैंडिंग में अपनी बढ़त को और बढ़ाया। “कई बार यह पैक में थोड़ा आक्रामक हो रहा था, इसलिए मैंने उन क्षणों को सामने की ओर जाने और परेशानी से बाहर रहने के लिए चुना। अटैक मोड के साथ हमारी रणनीति एकदम सही थी और यह सुनिश्चित किया कि मैं एक चिकनी खत्म के लिए मोर्चे पर एक अंतर का विस्तार करने में सक्षम था, ”उन्होंने कहा।

बार्नार्ड ने मासेराती के जेक ह्यूजेस से दूसरे स्थान पर रहने के लिए एक देर से हमला किया और सप्ताहांत में इसे डबल पोडियम फिनिश किया। इसके साथ, वह चैंपियनशिप में दूसरे स्थान पर कूदता है, रॉलैंड से 17 अंक पीछे।

महिंद्रा ने स्कोरिंग रन जारी रखा

2025 फॉर्मूला ई जेद्दा ई-प्रिक्स महिंद्रा

महिंद्रा ने एक सुसंगत अंक स्कोरर होने के लिए अपनी वापसी को और अधिक मजबूत किया, जेद्दा में कुल 19 अंक एकत्र किया।

पहली दौड़ में शीर्ष 10 में डी व्रिस और मोर्टारा दोनों शीर्ष 10 में समाप्त हुए। डे व्रिस ने चेकर फ्लैग को एक मजबूत पी 4, 1.4 सेकंड को रेस विजेता गुएंर के पीछे ले लिया। क्वालीफाइंग में एक तकनीकी मुद्दे का सामना करने के बाद मोर्टारा को ग्रिड के पीछे से शुरू करना पड़ा। लेकिन उन्होंने दौड़ में इसके लिए बनाया, P7 खत्म करने के लिए 15 स्थान हासिल किए।

दूसरा जेद्दा ई-प्रिक्स महिंद्रा के लिए बहुत कठिन था। ग्रिड पर P5 की एक मजबूत शुरुआती स्थिति के बावजूद, मोर्टारा को टर्न 4 हेयरपिन पर दो अन्य प्रतियोगियों के साथ संपर्क किया गया था। इसने उसे पूंछ के अंत तक गिरा दिया, लेकिन वह P10 को खत्म करने और टीम के लिए एक अतिरिक्त बिंदु स्कोर करने के लिए उबर गया। डी व्रिस ने लाइन P13 को पार किया।

महिंद्रा रेसिंग के सीईओ और टीम के प्रिंसिपल फ्रेडरिक ने कहा, “अगर हम पूरे सप्ताहांत को परिप्रेक्ष्य में रखते हैं, तो यह एक और निश्चित संकेत है कि हमने प्रदर्शन में कुछ कदम आगे बढ़ाए हैं, और हर कोई शुक्रवार को टीम के लिए एक बड़ा हिस्सा स्कोर करने के लिए संतुष्ट था,” महिंद्रा रेसिंग के सीईओ और टीम के प्रिंसिपल फ्रेडरिक ने कहा। बर्ट्रेंड।

“शनिवार को बिल्कुल भी दौड़ नहीं थी जो हम चाहते थे। ईदो गलत समय पर गलत जगह पर होने के लिए दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण था, और इसने उसकी पूरी शाम से समझौता किया, और NYCK के साथ, हमें आज रात से सीखने का विश्लेषण करने और लेने की आवश्यकता है। “

भारतीय टीम वर्तमान में टीमों की चैम्पियनशिप में छठे स्थान पर है, जो मासेराती से सिर्फ दो अंक पीछे है। आठ-सप्ताह के ब्रेक के बाद, 2025 फॉर्मूला ई सीज़न 12 अप्रैल को मियामी ई-प्रिक्स के साथ फिर से शुरू होगा।

यह भी देखें:

फॉर्मूला ई: निसान के रॉलैंड ने मेक्सिको सिटी ई-प्रिक्स जीतने के लिए पोर्श को हराया

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If you have power, this is like this! This Tata car pulled the 48,000 kg plane, the world is stunned!

If you have power, this is like this! This Tata car pulled the 48,000 kg plane, the world is stunned!

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Tata Carve performed his engineering capacity by pulling a 48,000 kg boing 737. Earlier, Karve pulled three trucks of 42,000 kg. Tata Hexa also first pulled Boeing 737-800.

Tata Curve has also pulled 3 trucks before this.


  • Tata Carve pulled a 48,000 kg boing 737.
  • The first Curve pulled three trucks of 42,000 kg.
  • Tata Hexa also first pulled Boeing 737-800.

New Delhi. Tata's cars are known for their strength and power. On the basis of these features, this car company has made a place in the hearts of customers. Now Tata has set another example of power and strength of its products.

Tata Motors has done another impossible feat. Tata Curvv has succeeded in drawing 48,000 kg Boeing 737 (Boeing 737). This act is a tremendous Mujaira of the engineering capabilities of this car. This is not the first time that this car has done such a feat. Earlier, Karve pulled 3 trucks together. The total weight of these trucks was 42,000 kg.

Tata Curve has achieved another incredible achievement by demonstrating the strength and durability of its Atlas platform and displaying the performance of its new Hyperian 1.2L GDI engine. After pulling three trucks weighing a total of 42,000 kg, Curve draws a Boeing 737 airplane weighing 48,000 kg with fuel. This is the second time when a Tata car drags the airplane to demonstrate its engineering capacity Has been Tata did this for the first time, he pulled the Boeing 737–800 airplane with Tata Hexa. This was an incredible achievement that no opponent dared to repeat. However, Hexa is getting a new challenge from Tata Motors in the form of Karve compact SUV.

The Tata Hexa was a heavy-duties based on heavy-duty ladder-frame chassis and a large 2.2L turbo diesel engine with 400 Nm torque. In comparison, the achievement of Tata Curve is far more impressive as it is based on a monocoque platform and is powered by a 1.2 liter turbo petrol engine with only 225 Nm of torque.


This Tata car pulled the 48,000 kg plane, the world remained stunned!

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This car became the new 'hero' of the electric car market, being sold at the speed of the bullet

This car became the new 'hero' of the electric car market, being sold at the speed of the bullet

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MG Windsor sold 3,277 units in January 2025 amidst increasing demand for electric cars in India. This car with 38kwh battery and 332 km range has more than 36 safety features.

The sale of this car was more than 3000 units for the third consecutive month.


  • Mg Windsor sold 3,277 units in January 2025.
  • The car has a 38kwh battery and a range of 332 km.
  • Mg Windsor has more than 36 safety features.

New Delhi. There has been a flood of electric cars in India. The reason for this is that the demand for cars equipped with electric powertrain has increased rapidly among the customers. Whether it is a desi company or foreign, all companies are bringing new models in this segment. MG recently launched its MG Windsor Electric Car. This car has won the hearts of customers of India.

In January 2025, the fourth consecutive month, it achieved sales of over 3,000 units. JSW MG Motor India in January 2025 had 3,277 units of Windsor. In December 2024, 3,785 units were sold in November 2024, 3,144 units in November 2024 and 3,116 units in October 2024. MG Windsor provides a stable magnetic synchronous motor with 38kwh lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery, which is rated IP67- Rated. The motor develops maximum power of 136PS and peak torque of 200Nm. Once full charge is the ARAI-certified range is 332 km. The car has four driving modes – Eco+, Eco, Normal and Sport.

What month how many cells?
October 2024 – 3,116 units
November 2024 – 3,144 units
December 2024 – 3,785 units
January 2025 – 3,277 units

Futuristic design
MG Windser looks quite futuristic with its aeroglide design. It includes illuminated front logo, LED lights, flush door handle, 18-inch alloy wheels, aero-lounge seats, front ventilated seats, wireless android auto and Apple carplay with 15.6-inch touchscreen infotainment system, automatic climatic control, PM 2.5 filter, There are features such as powered tailgate and panoramic sunroof. The rear seat has a 60:40 split with a 135-degree reclineary angle. After ZS and COMET, the third EV of JSW MG, Windser provides more than 36 standard safety features and ismart connectivity technology with more than 80 connected features. There is also a digital Bluetooth for connectivity in the car.


This car became the new 'hero' of the electric car market, being sold at the speed of the bullet

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Cars made in India are doing secrets on the world, this company sold 37 lakh cars abroad

Cars made in India are doing secrets on the world, this company sold 37 lakh cars abroad

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Hyundai Motor India has exported more than 37 lakh units in 25 years, with I10 and VERNA major models. The company has sent cars to 150 countries and exported 1 million units in Africa.

Hyundai has exported more than 37 lakh units in 25 years.


  • Hyundai exported 37 lakh units in 25 years.
  • i10 and Verna are the major export models of Hyundai.
  • Hyundai exported 1 million units in Africa.

New Delhi. Hyundai Motor India is India's leading car manufacturer. The company has a large customer base in India. The company has been trading in India for a long time. The company started exports from India in the year 1999. Now it has been 25 years since exporting the company from India. In 25, the company has exported more than 37 lakh units.

In his export trip, Hyundai has sent cars manufactured in India in more than 150 countries around the world. The company currently exports cars to more than 60 countries. Hyundai's most popular export models are I10, Exter, Verna, Creta and Alcazar. At the global level, the Hyundai i10 family has crossed the export milestone of 1.5 million units, while the Hyundai Verna alone has crossed 5 lakh units.

Most exports in Africa
Hyundai has exported 1 million units in Africa alone. The company began shipping External in South Africa in 2024. Exterited is the eighth model made in India for the South African market. In 2024, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Mexico, Chile and Peru emerged as the largest export market for Hyundai. The car manufacturer exported a total of 1,58,686 vehicles during the year.

The company's managing director Anasu Kim said, “Hyundai Motor India proudly stands as the biggest exporter of passenger vehicles from India. After exporting more than 37 lakh units in the last 25 years, Hyundai Motor India has earned significant foreign exchange for the country, while India has been placed on a global map for its manufacturing. ”

He said, “This is a proof of the rising level of faith in Indian engineering and the popularity of Indian craftsmanship worldwide. With a target to become the largest export center for Hyundai outside South Korea, we aspire to continue our development path in the coming years. ”


Car made in India, secrets on the world, 37 lakh units exported abroad

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Mahindra made Maharikord! Cars worth 8,472 crore sold in a day

Mahindra made Maharikord! Cars worth 8,472 crore sold in a day

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Mahindra booked 30,179 units of 8,472 crores on the day before booking of XEV 9E and BE 6. In 2024, the total cell of electric cars was 1 lakh units.

As soon as the booking opened, the company sold 8,472 crores on the first day.


  • Mahindra sold cars worth 8,472 crore in a day.
  • 30,179 units of XEV 9E and BE 6 were booked.
  • In 2024, the total cell of electric cars was 1 lakh units.

New Delhi. Like car markets around the world, the craze of electric cars in India is growing rapidly. Customers' interest in India is moving towards electric cars and that is why companies are constantly launching new electric models in the market. Getting the growing craze of electric cars to guess from this that Mahindra sold cars worth 8,472 crore in a day. Yes! Mahindra's XEV 9E and BE 6 got tremendous bookings on the first day.

Only after the bookings were opened, the tremendous craze of these two cars was seen in the customers. And the craze also so much that the company made a new record. The company registered a booking of 30,179 units on the first day. Interestingly, the total cell of electric cars in the 2024 calendar year was around 1 lakh units.

The curtain was raised on 26 November
If the booking between XEV 9E and BE 6 is divided, then these percentage are 56% and 44% respectively. The car manufacturer said in a release that the top-end pack three with 79 kW battery has a 73% stake in the total booking of both brands. It states that this reaction of customers shows the excitement of customers for Mahindra's Next Jane's electric SUV and shows the growing demand of premium EV in India. Made-in-India, for-the-World XEV 9E and Be 6 showcased on 26 November 2024.

When will delivery start?
Pack 3: Mid March 2025
Pack 3 Selection: From June 2025
Pack 2: From July 2025
Pack 1 Abav: From August 2025
Pack Forest: From August 2025

Established in 1945, Mahindra Group is a company with 260000 employees in more than 100 countries. It has been a leading company in agricultural equipment, SUVs, IT and financial service in India and is the world's largest tractor company according to volume. It has a strong appearance in renewable energy, agriculture, logistics, and real estate.


Mahindra made Maharikord! Cars worth 8,472 crore sold in a day

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Latest car and bike news live update today 15 February, 2025: Honda CBR650R delivery started in India

Latest car and bike news live update today 15 February, 2025: Honda CBR650R delivery started in India

If the automobiles catch your fans and you are fascinated on the wheels on all things, then you have come to the right place. You have come in ht auto. you are welcome


If the automobiles catch your fans and you are fascinated on the wheels on all things, then you have come to the right place. You have come in ht auto. Welcome to the latest developments from Indian and global motor vehicle world on 15 February 2025

Latest news on February 15, 2025: 2025 Honda CBR650R comes with a sharper look and an updated 649 CC motor. Hond has left its new e-clutch system for the Indian market on both middleweight offerings.

The automobile world never sleeps. Always in sharp lanes, the pace of development is like a supercar speed on a German autoban. Very fast? We have covered you. See the latest news, discussion and trends on ht auto here

Disclaimer: It is an AI-borne live blog and is not edited by HT Auto.

Bike News Live Update: Honda CBR650R delivery starts in India

  • The Honda CBR650R Triumph Daya 660, Kawasaki ZX-4RR, and Suzuki competes with GSX-8R. It has a 649 CC engine producing 93.8 bhp and is placed in a 6-speed transmission.

Read the full story here

Electric Vehicle News Live Update: Kia Concept EV2, Kia PV5 and Kia EV4 were teased by the manufacturer, Kia Ev should be unveiled on EV Day

  • Kia has teased her upcoming lineup on social media channels. The EV manufacturers will unveil the model completely on 27 February.

Read the full story here

Bike News News Live Update: TVS Ronin is a tribute to 'Ran Edition' Rann Utsav. What has changed here

  • The TVS Ronin Ran Festival version Motorcycle aims to integrate the motorcycle with cultural tourism.

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Auto News Live Update: Auto Ricap, 14 February: Bajaj Pulsar NS125 ABS launched, KTM 390 Duke cuts a price cut

  • Here is your quick investigation on the biggest developments in the world of automobiles.

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Car News News Live Update: Maruti Suzuki Brezza gets 6 airbags as standard, prices increased by ₹ 15,000

  • Maruti Suzuki Brezza is available in ten color options and four variants.

Read the full story here

First published date: 15 February 2025, 07:36 AM IST

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मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा को मानक के रूप में 6 एयरबैग मिलते हैं, कीमतों में ₹ 15,000 की बढ़ोतरी हुई

मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा को मानक के रूप में 6 एयरबैग मिलते हैं, कीमतों में ₹ 15,000 की बढ़ोतरी हुई

कीमतों में वृद्धि हुई है क्योंकि मारुति सुजुकी इंडिया लिमिटेड ने ब्रेज़ा में कुछ सुरक्षा सुविधाओं को जोड़ा है। सबसे बड़ी सुरक्षा सुविधा जो अब ब्रेज़ा के साथ आती है, मानक के रूप में 6 एयरबैग है। इसके अलावा, मारुति सुजुकी ने 3 पॉइंट ईएलआर रियर सेंटर सीटबेल्ट्स, फ्रंट ऑक्यूपेंट्स के लिए ऊंचाई एडजस्टेबल सीटबेल्ट, 60:40 स्प्लिट सीटें, कप होल्डर्स के साथ रियर सेंटर आर्मरेस्ट और एडजस्टेबल रियर हेडरेस्ट्स को भी जोड़ा। इन सुविधाओं को अब मानक के रूप में पेश किया जाएगा।

Maruti Suzuki Brezza पर पावरट्रेन विकल्प क्या हैं?

मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा को केवल 1.5-लीटर स्वाभाविक रूप से एस्पिरेटेड पेट्रोल इंजन के साथ पेश किया जाता है जो कि टी 6,000 आरपीएम पर अधिकतम 102 बीएचपी मैक्स पावर और 4,400 आरपीएम पर 136.8 एनएम का पीक टॉर्क आउटपुट है। ऑफ़र पर गियरबॉक्स विकल्प एक 5-स्पीड मैनुअल ट्रांसमिशन और 6-स्पीड टॉर्क कनवर्टर ऑटोमैटिक हैं। स्मार्ट हाइब्रिड सिस्टम ब्रेक एनर्जी उत्थान, टोक़ सहायता के दौरान त्वरण और निष्क्रिय स्टार्ट-स्टॉप कार्यक्षमता में सक्षम बनाता है।

सीएनजी के साथ एक ही इंजन भी उपलब्ध है। CNG पर चलते समय, बिजली उत्पादन लगभग 86 BHP तक गिर जाता है और टॉर्क 121 एनएम है। यह केवल एक मैनुअल गियरबॉक्स के साथ पेश किया जाता है।

यह भी पढ़ें: मारुति सुजुकी सेलेरियो मानक के रूप में छह एयरबैग हो जाता है। विवरण की जाँच करें

मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा की विशेषताएं क्या हैं?

Maruti Suzuki Brezza Android Auto और Apple Carplay, मल्टी-फ़ंक्शन स्टीयरिंग व्हील, सनरूफ, वायरलेस चार्जर, ऑटोमैटिक क्लाइमेट कंट्रोल, क्रूज़ कंट्रोल और बहुत कुछ के साथ एक टचस्क्रीन इन्फोटेनमेंट सिस्टम के साथ आता है।

वॉच: 2022 मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा फेसलिफ्ट: फर्स्ट ड्राइव रिव्यू

मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा के वेरिएंट क्या हैं?

मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा को चार वेरिएंट में पेश किया जाता है – LXI, VXI, ZXI, ZXI प्लस

मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा का बूट स्पेस क्या है?

मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा 328 लीटर का एक बूट स्पेस प्रदान करता है।

मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा के प्रतिद्वंद्वी क्या हैं?

मारुति सुजुकी ब्रेज़ा के खिलाफ जाता है स्कोडा काइलक, हुंडई कार्यक्रम का स्थानकिआ सोनेट, टाटा नेक्सननिसान मैग्नेटरेनॉल्ट केगर, महिंद्रा xuv 3xo

चेक आउट भारत में आगामी कारें 2024, भारत में सर्वश्रेष्ठ एसयूवी

पहली प्रकाशित तिथि: 15 फरवरी 2025, 07:36 पूर्वाह्न IST

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मारुति स्विफ्ट सीएनजी समीक्षा, मूल्य, माइलेज, प्रदर्शन, सुविधाएँ – परिचय

मारुति स्विफ्ट सीएनजी समीक्षा, मूल्य, माइलेज, प्रदर्शन, सुविधाएँ – परिचय

हमने अपने इंस्ट्रूमेंटेड प्रदर्शन और वास्तविक दुनिया की ईंधन दक्षता परीक्षणों के माध्यम से नए स्विफ्ट के सीएनजी पुनरावृत्ति को रखा।

मारुति स्विफ्ट हमेशा अपनी दक्षता के लिए जाना जाता है, और नवीनतम पुनरावृत्ति, एक नए तीन-सिलेंडर जेड-सीरीज़ पेट्रोल इंजन की विशेषता, इस विरासत को जारी रखती है। वास्तविक दुनिया के परीक्षणों में, यह शहर में एक प्रभावशाली 14kpl और राजमार्गों पर 19kpl बचाता है। ईंधन बचत को और बढ़ाने के लिए, मारुति एक संपीड़ित प्राकृतिक गैस (CNG) संस्करण पेश किया है, जिसकी कीमत 8.20 लाख रुपये और 9.20 लाख रुपये के बीच है। यह CNG संस्करण केवल मध्य स्तर के ट्रिम्स में उपलब्ध है और पेट्रोल संस्करण पर लगभग 90,000 रुपये के प्रीमियम पर आता है।

मारुति स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी डिजाइन

हमारा टेस्ट स्विफ्ट S-CNG ZXI ट्रिम पर आधारित है, जो शीर्ष-कल्पना ZXI+से एक कदम नीचे है। इसका मतलब यह है कि इसमें फ्रंट फॉग लैंप और डुअल-टोन मिश्र धातु पहियों जैसी सुविधाओं का अभाव है, बजाय इसके कि वह चांदी को खेलता है- 15 इंच के मिश्र धातुओं को समाप्त करता है। एक ध्यान देने योग्य जोड़ सही रियर फेंडर पर CNG फिलर कैप है, जो दुर्भाग्य से, एक aftermarket नौकरी की तरह दिखता है, जो यह नहीं है। हालांकि, समग्र डिजाइन युवा बना हुआ है और चौथी पीढ़ी के स्विफ्ट के हस्ताक्षर घटता और सिल्हूट को बरकरार रखता है।

मारुति स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी इंटीरियर

अंदर, स्विफ्ट अपने न्यूनतम, ऑल-ब्लैक केबिन लेआउट को बनाए रखता है। जबकि यह कार्यात्मक और उपयोगकर्ता है- अनुकूल, कुछ चूक, जैसे कि स्टीयरिंग व्हील पर क्रूज़ कंट्रोल बटन की अनुपस्थिति, स्पष्ट हैं। मोनोक्रोम मल्टी-इनफॉर्मेशन डिस्प्ले (एमआईडी) काफी बुनियादी दिखता है, लेकिन एक दिलचस्प जोड़ दोहरी ईंधन गेज है-एक पेट्रोल के लिए और दूसरा सीएनजी के लिए।

सीट आराम

7-इंच टचस्क्रीन इन्फोटेनमेंट सिस्टम, हालांकि उपयोग करने के लिए अच्छा है, इसके ओवरसाइज़्ड बेज़ेल के भीतर छोटा दिखाई देता है। सीट आराम अच्छा है, एर्गोनॉमिक्स पर हाजिर है, और पीछे की सीटें दो वयस्कों के लिए पर्याप्त स्थान प्रदान करती हैं। हालांकि, व्यावहारिकता 55-लीटर CNG सिलेंडर के कारण एक हिट लेती है, जो अधिकांश बूट पर कब्जा कर लेती है, एक नरम केबिन बैग के लिए बस पर्याप्त जगह छोड़ देती है। दृश्यमान CNG सिलेंडर बढ़ते और बूट क्लैडिंग की कमी एक मनभावन दृष्टि के लिए नहीं बनाते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त, CNG संस्करण में एक स्पेयर टायर शामिल नहीं है।

उपस्कर सूची

उस विषय पर रहते हुए, SWIFT S-CNG में सुविधाओं की एक अच्छी सूची है। इनमें स्वचालित एलईडी हेडलैम्प्स, एक रियर वाइपर और वॉशर, छह स्पीकर के साथ 7 इंच टचस्क्रीन इन्फोटेनमेंट सिस्टम, वायरलेस एंड्रॉइड ऑटो और ऐप्पल कारप्ले, स्वचालित जलवायु नियंत्रण, रियर एसी वेंट, एक वायरलेस चार्जर, और एक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक जैसे महत्वपूर्ण सुरक्षा सुविधाएँ शामिल हैं स्थिरता कार्यक्रम (ईएसपी), छह एयरबैग और हिल-स्टार्ट असिस्ट। हालांकि, इसमें फॉग लैंप और रियर-व्यू कैमरा का अभाव है।

मारुति स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी प्रदर्शन और दक्षता

डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से, यह पेट्रोल मोड में स्विच करता है, और बाद में स्वचालित रूप से CNG पर स्विच करता है।

डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से, स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी पेट्रोल पर शुरू होता है, और एक बार जब इंजन इष्टतम तापमान तक पहुंच जाता है, तो यह स्वचालित रूप से एक श्रव्य यांत्रिक 'क्लैंग' के साथ सीएनजी पर स्विच करता है। हम यह बताते हुए खुश हैं कि अपने पेट्रोल समकक्ष और 12hp और 10nm की तुलना में लगभग 70 किलोग्राम भारी होने के बावजूद, क्रमशः पावर और टोक़ पर 10nm नीचे, स्विफ्ट अपने शहरी कर्तव्यों को बहुत सक्षम रूप से करता है। यह 1.2-लीटर थ्री-सिलेंडर Z-Series इंजन का स्पष्टता और कुरकुरा थ्रॉटल प्रतिक्रियाओं (यहां तक ​​कि CNG मोड में) पर स्पष्ट ध्यान केंद्रित करता है कि अधिकांश मालिकों को शिकायत करने का कोई कारण नहीं मिलेगा। और जब यह निरंतर गियर शिफ्ट को एक कदम उठाने के लिए वारंट नहीं करता है, तो मालिकों को इसके हल्के क्लच और बटर-स्मूथ 5-स्पीड मैनुअल ट्रांसमिशन की सराहना करने की संभावना है, जो न केवल ड्राइविंग से तनाव को हटा देता है, बल्कि एक सुखद ड्राइविंग अनुभव के लिए बनाता है।

0-100kph समय

मारुति सुजुकी स्विफ्ट सीएनजी: प्रदर्शन
रफ़्तार सीएनजी मोड पेट्रोल विधा
0-20kph 1.23S 1.55S
0-40kph 3.22S 3.05S
0-60kph 6.26S 5.57S
0-80kph 9.77S 8.51s
0-100kph 15.54S 13.03S
20-80kph (3 गियर में) 14.75S 13.22S
40-100kph (4 वें गियर में) 21.5S 9.26S

प्रदर्शन परीक्षणों से पता चलता है कि स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी 15.5 सेकंड में 0-100kph से तेज होता है, जो पेट्रोल संस्करण की तुलना में 1.5 सेकंड धीमा है। रोलिंग त्वरण परीक्षणों में, यह भी, यह अपने पेट्रोल-केवल समकक्ष की तुलना में धीमा था, 20-80kph तीसरे-गियर स्प्रिंट में 1.5 सेकंड अधिक और 40-100kph चौथे-गियर परीक्षण में 3.3 सेकंड अधिक था।

हमारे वास्तविक विश्व परीक्षणों में, स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी की समग्र ईंधन दक्षता इसकी दावा की गई सीमा के समान है।

इससे भी महत्वपूर्ण बात, स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी ईंधन दक्षता में उत्कृष्टता प्राप्त करता है। CNG मोड में, यह शहर की स्थितियों में 24.35 किमी/किग्रा और राजमार्ग पर 31.38 किमी/किग्रा, 27.85 किमी/किग्रा के औसत से 31.38 किमी/किग्रा लौटा, जो दावा किए गए आंकड़ों के करीब है।

मारुति स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी सवारी और हैंडलिंग

यहां तक ​​कि अपने CNG अवतार में, स्विफ्ट कार चलाने के लिए एक मजेदार है।

सीएनजी सिलेंडर के अतिरिक्त वजन को समायोजित करने के लिए पेट्रोल संस्करण की तुलना में रियर सस्पेंशन थोड़ा स्टिफ़र है। सवारी शहर की सीमा के भीतर आरामदायक बनी हुई है, लेकिन राजमार्ग की गति से, केबिन के अंदर तेज आंदोलनों को महसूस किया जा सकता है। स्टीयरिंग हल्के और सरल है, मोड़ के बाद एक प्राकृतिक वापसी के साथ। कुल मिलाकर, स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी ड्राइव करने के लिए उतना ही मजेदार और सुखद रहता है जितना कि यह होने की उम्मीद है।

मारुति स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी फैसला

स्विफ्ट एस-सीएनजी के सामान की जगह की कमी और एक लापता स्पेयर टायर इसे लंबी राजमार्ग यात्रा के लिए कम व्यावहारिक बनाता है। सभी सुविधाओं के साथ निरपेक्ष शीर्ष-स्पेक वेरिएंट की तलाश करने वाले खरीदार भी इसकी कमी पाते हैं। हालांकि, इसकी उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल प्रकृति, चिकनी ड्राइविंग अनुभव, और उत्कृष्ट ईंधन दक्षता इसे शहर के कम्यूट के लिए एक उत्कृष्ट किफायती विकल्प बनाती है।

यह भी देखें:

हुंडई एक्सटर रिव्यू: इसके वजन के ऊपर घूंसे

टाटा पंच समीक्षा, परीक्षण ड्राइव

2024 मारुति सुजुकी DZIRE REVIEW: भारत की पसंदीदा सेडान बड़े पैमाने पर अपडेट किया गया

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Mind should be paid to buy desire, now the price will be paid, the company increased the price

Mind should be paid to buy desire, now the price will be paid, the company increased the price

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Maruti Suzuki has increased the prices of Dzire from ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 10,000. The new Desire has features like LED headlights, 360-degree camera and 6 airbags. Production cost is the reason for price increase. New prices have been implemented …Read more

New prices have come into force.


  • Maruti Suzuki Dzire prices rise from ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 10,000.
  • The new Dzire has LED headlights, 360-degree camera and 6 airbags.
  • Prices have been increased due to increase in production costs.

New Delhi. Maruti Suzuki India Limited had announced an increase in the prices of many of its models, which has now come into force. This list also includes the company's popular compact sedan Maruti Suzuki Dzire. The new Dzire, launched in November 2024, was the initial price of ₹ 6.79 lakh (ex-showroom), but in February 2025, the price of some of its variants has been increased to ₹ 10,000.

The company has increased the prices of different variants of Dzire from ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 10,000. The prices of VXi AMT and ZXI AMT variants have been increased by ₹ 10,000, while ZXI ZXI+ AMT, ZXI CNG MT, VXI CNG MT, VXI MT and LXI MT have been increased by ₹ 5,000. After the implementation of the new prices, now the prices of different variants of Dzire have changed, due to which customers will have to buy this car with new prices.

Also read- Reservation is not available to go to Mahakumbh, no tension, Railways run a royal train from Delhi in weekend, quickly book

What are the specialties of Dzire?
The new Maruti Suzuki Dzire has a different identity from its old model and has been given a new design. This car is available in many color options like Gallant Red, Pearl Arctic White, Splendid Silver, Magma Gray, Bluish Black, Nutmeg Brown and Alluring Blue. Apart from this, features such as LED headlights, dual-tone interior, automatic climate control, auto-folded ORVMs, rear AC vents, 360-degree camera, wireless charger and electric sunroof have been given in this vehicle.

In the case of safety, the company has further improved Dzire. It provides advance features like six airbags, EBD with ABD, ESP with Hill Hold and Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), which makes it a safe car in the segment.

What changes in engine and mileage?
In Maruti Suzuki Dzire, the company has given the Z12E engine, which generates 82 horsepower and 112Nm peak torque. This engine is more fuel efficient and refined than the old model. According to the company, the new Dzire is capable of giving mileage up to 24.79 kmpl, automatic (AMT) on manual transmission and 33.73 km/kg in CNG variants and CNG variants. It has an option of 5-speed manual and 5-speed AMT transmission, although the CNG variant will be available only in manual transmission.

Why increased prices?
The company has explained the reason for this increase in prices and explained the manufacturing cost and increasing input expenses. In the last few months, many companies in the auto industry have increased the prices of their vehicles, including Maruti Suzuki. However, despite rising prices, Dzire remains a strong contender in its segment.

New prices impact on customers
Maruti Dzire is one of the best -selling sedans in the Indian market. Due to affordable price, good mileage and low maintenance cost, it always remains the choice of customers. However, after this increase in prices, some customers may come to a slight confusion. However, the company hopes that the sales will not be affected much due to the strong brand value of Dzire and its features.

Should you buy Dzire?
If you are looking for a stylish, fuel-fichend and feature-pack compact sedan, Dzire is still a great option. However, if your budget is slightly limited due to the increase in prices, then you should take a decision soon, because prices in the auto sector can also move forward.


Mind should be paid to buy desire, now the price will be paid, rates increased

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The car keeps crawling slowly for 2 hours in the jam, so how much oil will be drunk?

The car keeps crawling slowly for 2 hours in the jam, so how much oil will be drunk?

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Slow traffic puts additional pressure on the car engine. How much fuel your car will burn it depends on many factors. This figure may vary for different cars.

Traffic puts additional pressure on the engine and mileage of the car.


  • The fuel burn of the car in slow traffic depends on many factors.
  • The SUV can burn 1-2 liters of fuel per hour in slow speed.
  • The hatchback can burn 0.5–1.2 liters of fuel per hour in slow speed.

New Delhi. Mahakumbh is being organized these days in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. A large number of devotees are turning to the Sangam. Due to this, a few days ago, a huge traffic jam was seen on the routes leading to Prayagraj, which is said to be about 300 km long. It took 48 hours to open these jams. In such a situation, people have to face all kinds of problems. In such a situation, a problem is related to your car. When the traffic is very slow, your car creeps up and it puts a lot of pressure on the engine and mileage of the car.

Here we tell you how much additional fuel burns your car in such a situation. How much oil your car burns in the event of Sloe traffic depends on many factors like-

Car type and engine power
Traffic status
Driving habits
Temperature and weather conditions
Car maintenance and tuning

How much fuel does SUV burn?
In the event of closing the engine in traffic, the SUV burns about 0.04 to 0.08 liters per minute per minute. SUV (0–10 km/h) SUV can burn about 1-2 liters of fuel every hour. In case of intermittent walking (10-30 km/h), fuel consumption can be about 0.5 to 1.5 liters per hour when moving at a slight speed.

How much oil will blow in hatchback?
If your car is in the Idol State in traffic, then 0.02 to 0.05 liters of fuel burn per minute. On the other hand, if your hatchback is running at a slow pace, then you can burn a fuel from 0.5 to 1.2 liters per hour. A hatchback can usually burn 0.2 to 0.8 liters of fuel while intermittently walking.

How much fuel will burn in the sedan?
If you can burn about 0.03-0.06 liters of fuel in a minute when your car is moving slowly, then if your car is moving slow, then 0.7 liters to 2.1 liter fuel can burn every hour.

Disclaimer: Keep in mind that these are estimated figures and actual fuel consumption will depend on your specific vehicle and driving conditions.


The car keeps crawling slowly for 2 hours in the jam, so how much oil will be drunk?

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Be ready! Mahindra Scorpio N, coming in the avatar of the pick-up truck, what will happen?

Be ready! Mahindra Scorpio N, coming in the avatar of the pick-up truck, what will happen?

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Testing of Mahindra Scorpio N based pickup truck has started. It will have a 2.2L MHAWK diesel engine. Its production will begin in 2024 and the target market is South Africa and Australia.

This pick-up truck of Mahindra will be the company's global product.


  • Testing of Mahindra Scorpio N pickup truck has started.
  • This pick-up truck will come with a 2.2L mHawk diesel engine.
  • The company will also sell it in South Africa and Australia.

New Delhi. The Mahindra Scorpio N based pickup truck was displayed as a global pick up concept in August 2023. Now, the company has started testing its testing and one of its Tests was captured on camera recently during testing. The production version of the pickup truck will be designed on New Zen Ladder-frame chassis and its production year is about to begin.

As far as its launch is concerned, Mahindra Scorpio is a global product of the Nick pickup truck company. For this, the company's target market is South Africa and Australia. There is no official statement on its launch of India; However, it can be considered after its global launch.

Engine and power
The company has confirmed that the Scorpio N pickup truck ready for production will have Zen-II all-aluminum 2.2L MHAWK diesel engine. This motor, which also gives power to Scorpio N, offers a maximum power of 175bhp and torque up to 400Nm. Transmission options will include 6-speed manual and 6-speed torque converter automatic. The new Mahindra pickup comes with 4WD and shift-on-fly functionality and offers four drive modes-normal, sand, mud-rat and grass-grace-snow.

Mahindra India Design Studio designed
The spotted model is seen between concepts and production. Mahindra Global Pick Up Concept, designed in Mahindra India Design Studio (MIDS), a pop-out front grill, a heavy bash-plate, differently designed front bumper, a snorkel, lower front end on There is a roof rack with the tow hook and an LED light bar in front.


Be ready! Scorpio n, coming in the avatar of a pick-up truck, what will happen?

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Latest car and bike news live update today 14 February 2025: Toyota Land Cruiser Prodo spotted in India

Latest car and bike news live update today 14 February 2025: Toyota Land Cruiser Prodo spotted in India

If the automobiles catch your fans and you are fascinated on the wheels on all things, then you have come to the right place. You have come in ht auto. you are welcome


If the automobiles catch your fans and you are fascinated on the wheels on all things, then you have come to the right place. You have come in ht auto. Welcome to the latest development from Indian and global motor vehicle world on 14 February 2025

Latest news on 14 February 2025: Land Cruiser Prado sits below the Land Cruiser LC300 in the global market.

The automobile world never sleeps. Always in sharp lanes, the pace of development is like a supercar speed on a German autoban. Very fast? We have covered you. See the latest news, discussion and trends on ht auto here

Disclaimer: It is an AI-borne live blog and is not edited by HT Auto.

Car News News Live Update: Toyota Land Cruiser Prodo Spotted in India

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First published date: 14 February 2025, 07:01 am IST

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Full details of country's cheapest car, price and features in 6 airbag safety

Full details of country's cheapest car, price and features in 6 airbag safety

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Maruti Suzuki has updated 6 airbags by updating Silaio Hachback. Prices have increased from 5.64 lakh to 7.37 lakh rupees. There is no change in the engine.

Now 6 airbag setup in Silario will be available in all variants.


  • Maruti Salaraio now has 6 airbags standard.
  • Prices have increased from 5.64 lakh to 7.37 lakh rupees.
  • There has been no change in the engine of the car.

New Delhi. Maruti Suzuki is known for selling budget cars in India. In this episode, the company has updated its budget a few days ago to the Maruti Suzuki Celerio hatchback. In this update, the company has standard setup by replacing the 2 airbag setup. This means that in every variant of this car, now you will get 6 airbags.

The entry-level variant has become expensive by Rs 27,500, while the prices of VXI MT and CNG MT variants have increased by Rs 16,000. The price of the VXI AMT variant is now around Rs 21,000, while the price of Top-end ZXI and ZXI+ MT variants has seen an increase of Rs 27,500. The price of Range-Topping ZXI+ AMT variant is now Rs 32,500 more than before.

Variant Ex-showroom
Lxi Rs 5.64 Lakh
Vxi mt Rs 5.99 Lakh
Vxi amt Rs 6.49 Lakh
Vxi cng mt Rs 6.89 Lakh
Zxi mt Rs 6.39 Lakh
Zxi+ mt Rs 6.87 Lakh
Zxi+ amt Rs 7.37 Lakh

Price after price hike
After this latest price hike, the price of 2025 Maruti Celerio has now increased from Rs 5.64 lakh to Rs 7.37 lakh. Its two AMT variants – VXI and ZXI – are available for Rs 6.49 lakh and Rs 7.37 lakh respectively. All these prices are ex-showroom.

Engine and power
No other changes have been made in Silaio. The hatchback continues to use 1.0L, 3-cylinder Natural Aspirated K10C petrol engine as before, which produces a maximum power of 67bhp and torque of 89Nm. The 5-speed manual gearbox comes as the standard, while a 5-speed AMT transmission is available from VXI trim.


Full details of country's cheapest car, price and features in 6 airbag safety

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Yesterday's car put 'fire' in the market, sixes of Panch and Nexon also got sixes

Yesterday's car put 'fire' in the market, sixes of Panch and Nexon also got sixes

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MG Windsor EV challenged Tata Motors' dominance, sold 13,997 units since launch, while Nexon and Panch EV sold 7,047 and 5,708 units respectively.

MG's car has become a hit as soon as it is launched in India.


  • MG Windsor EV has sold 13,997 units.
  • Windsar EV left Nexon and Panch EV behind.
  • Windsor offers the EV331 km range.

New Delhi. MG Windsor EV has immediately hit the Indian car market. Launched in September 2025, the electric compact MPV challenged Tata Motors' dominance in the EV segment with Comat EV and ZS EV, Tata has 5 cars in the segment. Tiago EV, Tigor EV, Panch EV, Nexon EV and Curve EV.

In fact, the one who has worked in favor of Windsor EV is its aggressive pricing. In addition, the car manufacturer is offering lifetime warranties with unlimited kilometers (applied to first buyers) and free public charging for the first year.

month Windser Panch ev Nexon EV
September 2024 502 1,025 663
October 2024 3,116 915 1,593
November 2024 3,144 926 1,899
December 2024 3,785 1,653 1,603
January 2025 3,450 1,189 1,289
Total 13,997 5,708 7,047

Within the first month of arrival in the market, MG Windsor EV overtook Tata's two best -selling EV -Nexon and Panch. MG's Electric MPV recorded a sale of 3,116 units in October 2024, while Nexon EV and Panch EV recorded a total sales of 1,593 units and 915 units respectively.

In November, December and January, the Windser sales figure was 3,144 units, 3,785 units and 3,450 units respectively. Since the launch in September 2024, MG has sold a total of 13,997 units of Windsor EV. During the same period, Nexon EV and Panch EV registered 7,047 units and 5,708 units respectively.

The Windsar EV 38kwh LFP comes with battery and front axle-mounted electric motor that produces 136bhp and 200Nm. MG claims that this electric MPV offers a range of 331 km. It takes 55 minutes to charge it from 0 to 80 percent from fast charger. The car manufacturer also offers 3.3kw and 7.7kw AC charger with EV, which can fully charge it in 14 hours and 6.5 hours respectively. Windsor EV comes with four driving mode – Eco, Eco+, Normal and Sport.


This car of yesterday put 'fire' in the market, sixes of Panch-Nexon also got sixes

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5 cheapest cars of India with 5 star safety, safety features will be available in low prices

5 cheapest cars of India with 5 star safety, safety features will be available in low prices

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There are now tremendous safety features in affordable cars in India. Skoda Kilak, Mahindra XUV 3xo, Tata Nexon, Tata Karve and Tata Panch.EV have achieved 5 star safety ratings in India NCAP.

There are many 5 star safety rating cars in India at a price of less than 10 lakhs.


  • Skoda Keelak got 5 star safety ratings in India NCAP.
  • Mahindra XUV 3xo also achieved 5 star safety ratings.
  • Tata Nexon, Curve and Panch.EV also got 5 star safety ratings.

New Delhi. There was a time that only premium cars in India used to get advance safety features. The more expensive car, the more modern safety features. Over time, regulations in India have been changed and now there are tremendous safety features in affordable cars. There are many such options in the Indian market which you can buy for less than 10 lakhs. Here we will tell you about some such cars.

Skoda Keelak
Recently launched Skoda Keelak scored 30.88 points in adult safety in India NCAP and 45.00 in child safety. It found 5 stars in both categories. The price of this compact SUV is between Rs 7,89,000 to Rs 14,40,000 (ex-showroom).

Mahindra XUV 3xo
The Mahindra XUV 3xo is in the price range of Rs 7,99,000 and Rs 15,56,500 (ex-showroom). In India NCAP, it scored 5 stars in adult safety and child safety with 29.36 points and 43.00 points in the second.

Tata nexon
Tata Nexon can certainly be called a trendsetter in terms of safety among relatively affordable models. It has achieved 5 star safety ratings in Global NCAP along with India NCAP.

Tata curve
The base variant of Tata Curve can be taken for Rs 9,99,990 (ex-showroom). Mid -size SUV achieved 5 star safety ratings in India NCAP, with 29.50 points in adult safety and 43.66 in child safety.

Tata Panch.EV
The price of Tata Panch.EV starts at Rs 9,99,000 (ex-showroom). In terms of points, Tata's entry-level electric SUV is at the top with 31.46 in adult safety and 45.00 in children's safety. All Tata SUVs have achieved 5 star safety ratings in India NCAP. Tata Panch.EV follows the same path.


5 cheapest cars of India with 5 star safety, safety features will be available in full

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Mercedes G Class electric review with EV range and performance features off road – Introduction

Mercedes G Class electric review with EV range and performance features off road – Introduction

Merc’s icon bears the green plate, but it’s a lot more than just an ICE to EV conversion.

Engage “Rock” mode, shift to neutral, engage low range, shift to drive, hit the G-Turn button, select the direction of rotation using the paddles, ensure the steering is dead straight, flex your right foot and be prepared to get ‘shocked’ as the almost 3.1-tonneSUV spins around like a ballet dancer.

In fact, that’s also how the electric G-Class was introduced to the world. Dubbed as the EQG in concept guise, the Mercedes-Benz G 580 with EQ Technology –yes, that’s its full name – is the G-Class for the silent, and hopefully pollution-free future. With an aim to retain all of its iconic elements while packing in the latest EV tech under the skin, the green plate G-Class has the glitz and glamour you expect of a Gelandewagen. But what about its character that is rooted in guns and glory? Can it withstand an apocalypse?

Mercedes G Class Electric off-road ability

To find out if it is all show and no go, taking it off-road is the best litmus test. Learn Off-road near Mumbai is the ideal venue not only because of its controlled environment, but it also has obstacles that will truly challenge the might of the G. I started by checking the lean angle on the side slope. As the car leaned over, I could see the world from an acute angle, with the only reassurance being the claimed ability to take on inclined angles as steep as 35 degrees, equivalent to a 70 percent gradient. With my eyes locked in on the spotter, I, thankfully, made it out without tipping over. Next up was a test of the dramatic wheel articulation.

Like the ICE version, the G 580 also features independent front suspension and a rigid axle at the rear. However, there are no diff locks.In its place are what Mercedes calls “Virtual Diffs”, which are motors that can operate individually for each wheel. Also, with the motors spinning at high speeds, the low-range gear in each of them multiplies the torque in low-speed applications to avoid overheating.

As the front right wheel enters a gorge, the rear left wheel crunches to offer all the support. Slowly inching ahead, the weight transfer rocks you and makes you nervous about the battery pack stowed beneath the car. The battery is split into two – with a cooling layer sandwiched in between – andhas been integrated into the modified ladder frame. This ensures a low centre of gravity and also helps make it rigid. For protection, however, there is a thick 57kg carbon composite case, which is about 150kg lighter than an equivalent steel plate of the same thickness. Mercedes engineers have done vigorous tests to ensure there is no room for punctures and leaks, and that the plate can withstand six times the weight of the car. That’s saying something. It is also torsion-resistant, so any form of flex won’t be an issue.The whole casing is also waterproof, allowing for up to 850mm water wading – 150mm more than the ICE version.

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 off road display

Plenty of relevant off-road telemetry to geek out on.

But the highlights were the off-road features exclusive to the electric G that you don’t get on the ICE version. First was the intelligent off-road crawl, which is essentially cruise control for steep climbs and drops with the electronics managing that four-figure torque and ensuring there is no wheel slip. The crawl is activated as soon as you engage low range,and with three levels of set speed, you need not modulate throttle and brake continuously. Of course, you can override the system by simply tapping on the brake or accelerator.

What also helps climb slopes is the transparent bonnet that gives you a view of what’s under the car. This allows you to focus on your line and is one less thing to worry about when you can barely see out the windshield. The electric G also has better approach and departure angles compared to the G 63 due to the reprofiled bumpers and high ground clearance, but the battery pack positioned under the car means the breakover angle is not as good as the AMG.

Then there is the G-Steering, which reduces the turning circle and makes tight turns a breeze. Engage rock mode and select G-steering and the car will lock the inside rear wheel to pivot around itself, thereby shortening the turning radius. It remains engaged for speeds upto 25kph, and you need to apply full-lock to the steering to stall that inner rear wheel.

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 transparent bonnet

Transparent bonnet helps when the spotter doesn’t.

However, the most talked about feature by far is the G-Turn,with its 8-step engaging procedure I explained in the beginning. Sure, it may seem like a gimmick and is huge fun, but it is useful if you are stuck in muck and need to clear out some area around you. Also, while the system spins the car around twice, you can stop it at whichever position you want by just letting go of the paddleshifter. After spending half a day bashing the G over multiple obstacles, it was clear that if you want the more capable G, the 580 EQ is the top choice.

Mercedes G Class Electric performance

Now, it’s clearly better off-road, but does that also hold true on tarmac? To begin with, there is a faint electric buzz around it – Mercedes calls it the ‘Aura’ of the G 580 – presumably to warn pedestrians that a 3.1-tonne monster is creeping up behind. There is also the G-Roar, which mimics – or at least tries to –the V8’s notes. The effort is commendable and definitely better than some sci-fi spaceship sound, but it needs to be more pronounced and not sound like the V8 is growling with a tape over its mouth. Performance though, is brisk.

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 front tracking

With 587hp and 1,164Nm, this G is fast enough to wear an AMG badge.

For its 3,085kg kerb weight, you expect it to have the athleticism of a hippopotamus, but the motors, powered by a 116kWh battery, put out 587hp and a colossal 1,164Nm of torque that ensure rapid responses. Off the line, the G 580 squats and shoots off to 100kph in just 5.05 seconds. Kickdown times for 20-80kph and 40-100kph are also impressive. Then there are drive modes that alter its character; Comfort offering slightly more laidback reactions in comparison to the immediacy of Sport mode. Still, there is enough poke for it to even wear an AMG badge, and wear it with pride. Individual mode allows you to customise the performance of the steering, motor and even the adaptive dampers in the suspension.

Mercedes G Class Electric ride and handling

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 rear tracking

Not the comfiest highway cruiser, but it oozes charm and street cred.

With huge 20-inch wheels, and a lot of the weightlower down, a firm ride is inevitable. However, the adaptive dampers do a very good job of muting the harsh thuds, and while you do rock about a fair bit, there is an inherent toughness and the ability to carry more speed over a rough section. On the highway, while the insulation is good, there is a fair bit of road noise from the big tyres. You would also have to be delusional to expect delicate handlingaround corners. You have to chuck the big boy into a corner and hold on as all the principles of mechanics try to wash it into understeer. Grip levels are good, and with moderate pace the steering is light, too, but a fun handler it’s not.

Mercedes G Class Electric range, battery and charging

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 battery

Clever packaging of battery between the ladder frame chassis.

This wasn’t a full-blown Autocar range test given the focus on off-roading, but we started the drive from our office in Mumbai with 100 percent charge and 416-443km indicated range. After a whole day out and driving 245km,the battery SOC stated that there was 27 percent charge left and a range of 110-122km. That gives an efficiency of 2.89km/kWh and a range of 336km. Sure, you won’t be off-roading and doing multiple G-turns every day so expect that number to be around the 350-375km mark. The 400V architecture allows for upto 200kW DC charging that takes just 32 minutes to go from 10-80 percent, while the 11kW AC charger will top it up from 0-100 percent in 12.5 hours. But range is not the highest priority for a G-Class customer. It’s all the fun mentioned before this section.

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 charging times
10-80% (200kW DC) 32 mins
10-80% (50kW DC) 1 hr 43 min
0-100% (11kW AC) 12 hr 30 min

Mercedes G Class Electric interior and features

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 switchgear

Diff lock switches replaced by G-Steering and G-Turn

On the inside, the G 580’s dashboard and switchgear design are similar to the ICE version, but there are subtle modifications compared to the ICE’s cabin that are tastefully done. The dual 12.3-inch screens now get MBUX functionality, which means, like the G 63, the G 580 also gets a slick and responsive touchscreen. Packed with tech information, the UI is very easy to use and works efficiently. The other great bit are physical switches for the HVAC and media controls and the new off-road buttons in place of the iconic diff-lock switches.

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 rear seat

Plenty of space for three adults; flat floor a bonus.

The seats are well-sized but the cushioning is a bit firm. However, it still packs in luxuries like the massage and ventilation options. There is a standard-sized sunroof too. However, since this is the Edition One, there is subtle use of blue all around. The stitching in the seats, the weave between the carbon-fibre panels on the centre console and even on the steering wheel.

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 boot

620-litre boot is massive by EV standards. No frunk though.

In the back, the high ground clearance means you need to jump inside, which is going to be tricky without any grab rail. But once you’re in, space is not going to be a complaint. The seats though aren’t the best for the money, and while a flat floor, rear vents and three-zone climate control make it comfy for three adults, the seat to be in is behind the steering wheel. There is no frunk under the bonnet and you instead get a sizeable 620-litre boot, which is 20 litres less than the G 63, but it’s hardly noticeable. A slightly raised boot floor is where it lost those extra few litres. Still, hugely impressive by electric standards.

Mercedes G Class Electric exterior

Now, although the G 580 does away with an engine and exhaust, it still carries the same iconic design that makes everyone take notice. Especially in this exclusive shade of blue, dubbed MANUFAKTUR South Sea Blue Magno.

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 door and getting in

20-inch wheels are huge but a bit too subtle.

If you see it whiz past your window, you won’t be able to tell if it is the electric version –the changes are far too subtle. Get a micrometre and a magnifying glass and you’ll notice a swelled-up bonnet, a new A-pillar design, bumpers with different air intakes, air curtains in the rear wheel-arch flare, and, of course, a green number plate. Everything else is classic G. The round headlamps, chunky indicators and upright windshield retain the OG look. But you do miss out on the more closed-off grille with DRL surrounds like the international version.

Over to the side, the only missing bit are the exhausts poking out, like you have on the AMG. The length and wheelbase are the same and the ground clearance, at 250mm, is more than the G 63. The blacked-out 20-inch wheels are big but look unassuming, and a close look reveals the brake calipers sport the same blue shade as the exterior.

Mercedes G Class Electric G 580 door getting in

Getting inside almost equivalent to practicing for 100m hurdles.

Some expected the rear to look different, courtesy of the boxy charging case seen on the global version. But for India, the G 580 will not get that option and a very handy spare wheel will reign supreme.

Mercedes G Class Electric price and verdict

At Rs 3 crore (ex-showroom, India), the G 580 is almost Rs 65 lakh cheaper than the G 63, and it does everything that the AMG does and then some. It looks the part, gets you all the cred and is unbelievably capable. Yes, you do feel the absence of the brutish V8 and its hysteria, but that is a small price to pay. In a future that did not look kind to icons like the G-Class, the G 580 is over three tonnes of proof that as long as the three-pointed star lives on, the G will live on.

Also see:

Mercedes G Class Electric video review

Mercedes EQE SUV long term review, 12,400km report

Mercedes AMG CLE 63 with V8 engine spied

Mercedes Maybach SL 680 India debut on March 17

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Road Safety Campaign Season 3: Hope for Hope and Responsibility

Road Safety Campaign Season 3: Hope for Hope and Responsibility

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The third edition of the road safety campaign began on 6 January. Nitin Gadkari and Shankar Mahadevan participated. This campaign focused on children included concerts, telethons and road safety buses. The purpose of the campaign is the nation …Read more

Amitabh Bachchan, Nitin Gadkari and Pakanj Tripathi attended the road safety campaign.


  • The third edition of the road safety campaign began on 6 January.
  • Nitin Gadkari and Shankar Mahadevan participated.
  • Children focused on concentrations and Telethon.

New Delhi. The third edition of the road safety campaign began with great enthusiasm on 6 January, in which people of all ages were united on the issue of road safety. The public awareness campaign was particularly focused on children, who are not only the easiest victims of road safety events, but also the drivers of the coming tomorrow.

The version began with a large concert, in which 1,500 school students participated enthusiastically, raised slogans, sang songs and talked about the importance of road safety. Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari held a session of questions and answers with the students, in which their important questions were answered with knowledge and practical advice. After this, a musical oath was presented by Shankar Mahadevan, explaining the need for road safety and a song was presented which contained deep meanings of road safety. The youngest participants got a special gift, as the pair of everyone's favorite siblings on social media and Pihu made people happy and laughed amidst their serious discussion related to the issue. Together, the two gave a message that road safety is not just a subject, it is a responsibility that everyone has to fulfill with Miljul.

Sadak Surkasha Abhiyaan Season 3 Journey of Hope and Responsibility

Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari (middle), actor Pankaj Tripathi on the right, actor Amitabh Bachchan on the left

Convey the message to all
The purpose of this campaign was not only limited to the stage but also reached the streets. The launch of the road safety campaign was a program with possibilities that symbolized the efforts of the campaign to raise awareness at the national level. Road safety bus was run as a nationwide mission to make road safety -related education interesting and accessible. With its safety message, it simply turned into a moving class room which went to schools in various cities, towns and villages and educated people from all areas. The focus of this mission focused on regional programs, which brought communities to listen to the stories of others, participate in interactive sessions and to know how small tasks like following traffic laws or wearing seatbelt People can save their lives. This mission made people feel that every person's work matters and changes begin with themselves.

Live Telethon: A national call to move forward
The campaign then agreed for its most awaited phase – a grand telethon that promises to unite the nation in its mission for safe roads. The four -hour broadcast stories, broadcast on January 25, 2025, was a mixed program of stories, discussions and entertainment. The panel involved in this program inspired everyone in which the issue of road safety was raised in the presence of Gadkari and great actor Amitabh Bachchan. Famous lyricist Prasoon Joshi and star actors Pankaj Tripathi, Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Vikrant Massey were also accompanied by him. Navya Naveli Nanda became the voice of the next generation, keeping her intense view of working together.
Telethon was not just another television program, it was a movement that calls us all ahead and calls for change. People inspired by this campaign and became part of change. A change that inspires that together we can make our roads safe and save the lives of countless people. Stay connected with this campaign.


Road Safety Campaign Season 3: Hope for Hope and Responsibility

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These 5 cars of Maruti get 6 airbags, will get tremendous safety, see full list

These 5 cars of Maruti get 6 airbags, will get tremendous safety, see full list

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Maruti Suzuki has given 6 airbags in Celerio, Swift, Dzire, Jimny and Invito. The new Dzire has achieved 5 Star Global NCAP safety rating.

Maruti's new Dzire has received 5 star safety ratings.


  • 6 airbags are found in Maruti's 5 cars.
  • The new Dzire received 5 Star Global NCAP safety rating.
  • Maruti is working on giving 6 airbags in more cars.

New Delhi. Maruti Suzuki is the largest car manufacturer in the country. The company has a large customer base in India. Maruti has sold cars in every price range and every segment in India. From entry level Alto to Off Roader Gymny, the company has a tremendous portfolio of products. But, on one thing, the company often has to face criticism, that is the lack of safety features of the company. Questions are often raised about safety on Maruti's cars.

Many cars of the company have also received 0 safety ratings. Here we will tell you in those cars of Maruti in which the company has given 6 airbags to improve the safety. Currently, Maruti Suzuki gives 6 airbags in Silario, Swift, Dzire, Jimny and Invito.

6 airbags Maruti cars price
Celerio – Rs 5.64 lakh – Rs 7.37 lakh
Swift – Rs 6.49 Lakh – Rs 9.64 Lakh
Desire – Rs 6.84 Lakh – Rs 10.19 Lakh
Jimney – Rs 12.75 Lakh – Rs 14.96 Lakh
Invisto – Rs 25.51 Lakh – Rs 29.22 Lakh

Although Maruti is working to make six airbags standard fitments in more cars, additional airbags will increase prices, which will affect the budget of customers. While Maruti cars already have safety features such as reverse parking sensors such as Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) and standard with electronic breakforce distribution (EBD), the company has hill hold assist and electronic stability programs in most of them ( ESP has started offering.

5 Star Safety in New Desire
The new Desire is the first Maruti car to achieve 5 Star Global NCAP safety rating. While it found 5 stars in the adult passenger category, it got 4 stars in child safety. The car has got 31.24 out of 34 in adult safety and 39.20 out of 49 in child safety.


6 airbags are available in these 5 cars of Maruti, will get tremendous safety

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